For more than 100 years, Swiss watchmakers have continued to produce restored counterfeit watches in high demand by collectors. The Rolex Blue Vignette R.T. 31mm Datejust stainless steel complete diamond luxury classic Rolex fake swiss watch has been fitted with an updated look inspired by the Ge...
All too often woman’s roles have been misconstrued or left out of historic stories and it was so good to have Corrag and Gormshuil and their role as the Wise Women brought to life and celebrated in this project – to visit and explore the areas that they walked and lived, fostered thi...
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands ...
He's had recurring roles on several British television shows, including Citizen Khan, Lightfields, and Traffic Light. Marshall also played a detective on two British series, Murder City and Death in Paradise. He later starred on ITV's adaptation of Jane Austen's Sanditon in 2019 and BBC's ...
"This is the significance of temporary migration. To re-become a man (husband, father, citizen, patriot) a migrant has to return home. The home he left because it held no future for him." No long-term solution to this problem exists without addressing the global inequalities exacerbated by...
The greatest danger to America and to Christianity at this moment in history is the near total lack of citizen outrage at what is going on. Until America, all the world populations were were ruled by imperfect men. America was the first and remains the only nation on earth ruled not by ...
Okoye is a respected citizen of Wakanda, she is very proud of her country and devoted to the royal family. RELATED: 10 Female Marvel Heroes That Should Come To The MCU In the five years after The Blip, she seems to become a de facto leader and when the Dora Milaje make an appearance...
Admiring is not the right word to say it, because it is hard to watch the horror that every photography denounces; Every photography carries a story of domestic violence whether is physical, verbal or emotional; the scars are deep and painful. Being there, I meet a lady in her 70s that...
Shouldn’t the prophetic office serve as a watchdog of the Church and the State?Prophets point out injustice and speak uncomfortable truth to those in authority regardless of their political party or church affiliation.Their function in society is not bound solely by the parameters of religion.The...
Admiring is not the right word to say it, because it is hard to watch the horror that every photography denounces; Every photography carries a story of domestic violence whether is physical, verbal or emotional; the scars are deep and painful. Being there, I meet a lady in her 70s that...