Despite being a fake family, they grow close and learn to rely on each other. Watch: Spy x Family Chainsaw Man The final season of AoT was created by the MAPPA Anime studio, which also happens to be the team behind the popular horror anime series, Chainsaw Man. Chainsaw Man is a...
When Marco dies in Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost, Jean is the one to find his body. ... Jean kisses his sword before fighting the Female Titan, perhaps to remember why/who he's fighting for. His sword handis the same one he held Marco's ashes in. Is Reiner dead AOT? He ...
even their training manual showed this, it was amazing. They would not hear me out when I began to protest—I had just gotten this job and was about to transition from disability–and instead, they preferred to fire me and get beaten in mediation. I tried to reason...