C.Because the clothes are good and cheap. D.Because her father is friendly to everyone.4. What does Mary help her father to do during the summer holiday? A.To sell clothes. B.To wash clothes. C.To make clothes. D.To clean the shop.5. What does the boy want to buy in the shop...
6. I m sorry to do sth. 对做某事我觉得很抱歉、伤心。 _ 巩固练习_ 一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. There’s ___ mall near my house. ___ mall...
B.Becausetheclothesarefashionable.C.Becausetheclothesaregoodandcheap. D.Becauseherfatherisfriendlytoeveryone.93.WhatdoesMaryhelpherfathertododuringthesummerholiday?A.Tosellclothes. B.Towashclothes. C.Tomakeclothes. D.Tocleantheshop.94.Whatdoestheboywanttobuyintheshop?A.Agreencoat. B.Agreenshirt. ...
How To Hand Wash Clothes In Hotel? 4 Steps Guide 2024-01-27 - International The best method of handwashing can be applied even when travelling. Washing clothes without detergent is possible during a business trip or holiday. How to hand wash clothes The best method of handwashing can be ...
北师大小学一起点英语四年级【听力原文+答案)-Unit 4 where is Mocky 北师大小学英语一起点北师大小学英语一起点 四年级 英语知识需要巩固背诵单词和课文,不要粗心大意。北师大小学英语一年级起点伴你成长快乐学习!TB:小初高题库
Bed bugs are typically brought into the house from the outside on clothing, baggage, second-hand furniture or in laundry done in an infested home. Social stigma is attached to them more than to any other pest which is unfair since the most conscientious
200多个国家和地区,2500多个民族,5000多种语言。“万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。”不同民族的文化多姿多彩、各有千秋,没有优劣之分,只有彩色之别。这要求我们: ① 宣传中华文化,了解外来文化 ② 树立平等意识,尊重文化差异 ③ 加强文化交流,促使文化同一 ④ 主动敞开胸怀,共建和谐世...
This term was supposedly coined during the First World War when the combination of the cheap ingredients used to fill the sausages and their tight skins caused them to explode in the pan! Strangely, though, no one calls sausages bangers at any other time – they are only bangers when served...
washyourclothes cleanyourroom visityourgrandparents I Ihavefivefriends.Doyouwanttoknowwhattheydid…lastweekend?Let... 作业属性 作业目标 在真实语境中巩固本课时重点词汇和目标语言。 设计意图 形成结构化知识,并在真实的情境中进行巩固、应用,创造性地解决问题。 语言技能 □听?说□读□看?写 认知水平 □记...