Once inside, you can burn a stonesword key to clear the fog wall ahead of you, leading to a cookbook, but the choice is yours. Proceed through the dungeon, fighting or avoiding skeletons until you encounter a fire-breathing gargoyle contraption. Once it stops breathing, run towards it and...
Ampeater Music is a website devoted to bridging the gap between unsigned (or just plain underexposed) artists and music lovers everywhere. Every day we feature a different artist on what we call The Ampeater Review. Each fea
Conclusion: This is a great, low key spot for beginners looking to find their own quartz crystals. Not only is it close to the car and very easy to get to, it provides an opportunity to either work the hard rock or chill out and groundscore. For the more advanced collector, there is...
Sophie Kerr has the misfortune to be left with the chore of explaining those fingerprints, which she does in ten pages of near shaggy-dog tale telling by Glenda that serve more to achieve her word count goal than to facilitate a neat happy ending to the book. In sum, The Woman Accused ...
Here my son is bravely posing next to the train boxcar where Laura Palmer met her death at the hands of Bob. One of, if not the scariest and certainly horror-filled scenes, it none-the-less was a key clue to Laura’s murder and thus a key photo site for our ongoing exploration of...
“Found footage” is a natural for anyone looking to slip a mask over their film’s lack of effects (practical or CGI), and Callaway has clearly done his homework in that regard, and ditto when it comes to his story pacing, cinematography, and location use. He’s been in this game ...
Tungsten film is designed to be used under incandescent stage lights, which are heavy on warm tones. When shot in daylight, however, this film takes on a blue cast, with the intensity depending on the amount of shade or under artificial strobe lighting with the use of CTB Gels. In darker...
Herakles: And so you end up with a bunch of hairy brutes who want to use and abuse you, knocking at your door. Aphrodite: And you. Herakles: What makes you think I’m any different? Herakles roughly grabs Aphrodite’s wrist, causing her to bite her lip – in pain, or anticipation ...
between metapopulations, mainly due to the differences in habitat availability; 2) > 60% of areas predicted as suitable for bears in Serbia are currently still unoccupied; 3) the south-eastern part of Serbia represents a key area for the connectivity between bear metapopulations in the future....
We can count on CHANGE so we must get use to the WHOLE BRAIN PATTERNS of that which we now share in cyberspace. Here is where we are expanding our thoughts to address the past thread which each of us are creating on our own. We are each a thread in a newly weaved pattern in the...