The reality is that you can become the next best-selling author without spending any money. A number of online publishing companies allow you to self-publish your eBook at no cost at all. You should consider publishing your eBook on every free self-publishing online site to give maximum expos...
The pressure to publish is a fact of life in academia. Academics are expected to demonstrate that they are active researchersand that their work has been vetted by peers and disseminated in reputable scholarly forums. In practice, howeve... D Obeng-Ofori - 《Journal of Energy & Natural Resour...
Hi, I was wondering how do I determine where an image is stored in SharePoint online? I would go to a given page and then click Edit. I click on an...
Deciding where to publish folder-based forms When you create a folder-based solution where the primary focus of the form is to display the items in a single folder, typically publish the form to the folder itself. When you publish the form to the folder, the folder is a ...
You’ll be able to preview the book until you reach the limit of free pages set by a publisher. ⇢ Google Books 5. Smashwords Smashwords is a leading online platform with ebooks from independent authors and publishers. There are currently over 500,000 from over 100,000 self-published autho...
to capture. This reminds me I have prepared a Blog on this topic, which I need to finish! There is anoption as well..
func first(where predicate: @escaping (Self.Output) -> Bool) -> Publishers.FirstWhere<Self> Parameters predicate A closure that takes an element as a parameter and returns a Boolean value that indicates whether to publish the element. Return Value A publisher that only publishes the first ele...
I am in learning/testing mode, trying to create a release and output it to a shared folder on my local disk. The following are run from a command window opened in the folder where MyApp.csproj lives. Publish command: dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained -r win-x64 -o .\bin\...
It is our privilege to publish this Special Section of six empirical articles that address several key mechanisms for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual , and Transgender (LGBT) health disparities. Over the past decade, we have seen attention devoted to gender disparities [ 1 , 2 ], racial/ethnic disparit...
func tryLast(where predicate: @escaping (Self.Output) throws -> Bool) -> Publishers.TryLastWhere<Self> Parameters predicate A closure that takes an element as its parameter and returns a Boolean value that indicates whether to publish the element. Return Value A publisher that only publishes ...