I also ran the following script to be sure the DockerClient was okay with multi threaded access: import threading import time from uuid import uuid4 import docker def use_docker(task_id: str, docker_client: docker.DockerClient): print(f"START:{task_id}") # Find a runtime image images ...
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e SANDBOX_RUNTIME_CONTAINER_IMAGE=docker.all-hands.dev/all-hands-ai/runtime:fdddb5b-nikolaik --name openhands-app-fdddb5b docker.all-hands.dev/all-hands-ai...
1、docker pull postgres:10.0 2、docker run --name progres -v /home/campus/progres/:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 25432:5432 -d postgres:10 3、访问数据库 psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres 查看数据库 \l切换数据库 \c pcfollow_development查看当前数据库...
Now, anywhere in that file, you can type<(home)>that button will be a way to runmh/dj-open-template-fileto findhome.html. Note that I saidanywhere in that file... from what I have foundthe explicit buttons only exist in the current file.So if you want to use the same explicit b...
To obtain changes made after your initial setup of the MySQL Git repository, switch to the branch you want to update and issue the git pull command: ~/mysql-server$ git checkout 8.0 ~/mysql-server$ git pull To examine the commit history, use the git log command: ~/mysql-server$ git ...
Individual architectures may be pulled with docker pull --platform <arch>. Quay.io registry The quay.io container registry was deprecated and Teleport 12 is the last version to publish images to quay.io. With Teleport 15's release, v12 is no longer supported and no new container images ...
/var/lib/docker/containers/<container_id>/<container_id>-json.log If you’re not sure which id is related to which container, you can run the docker ps command to list all running containers. The container_id is located in the first column. ...
To solve this kind of problems, like slightly different behavior of Linux-like tools or command line stuff that goes missing, I use a Docker container: FROM ubuntu:latest RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y telnet net-tools Save this in a file named Dockerfile, then enter docker ...
To obtain changes made after your initial setup of the MySQL Git repository, switch to the branch you want to update and issue the git pull command: 34 Configuring SSL Library Support ~/mysql-server$ git checkout 8.0 ~/mysql-server$ git pull To examine the commit history, use the git ...
Java 8 and older use the server CPU for determining how much CPU is available. It ignores the amount set by Docker. This can lead to crashing if the app attempts to consume more CPU than it is allowed. Java 9+ can properly detect the correct CPU allocated. ...