and the world's stores of petroleum oil are not being regenerated. It is, therefore, an unsustainable resource, and since petroleum is also used to make important commodities like gasoline and engine oil, the wisdom of its use for fabric has been disputed by commentators at all ends of the...
Thankfully, some forms of this fabric are recyclable, but not all waste management services recycle this substance. There is no way to mitigate the detrimental environmental impact caused by polymer fabrics during the manufacturing process; the only way to make these fabrics better for the ...
using an engine that wasn’t made for multiplayer. They bet the farm on something they had never done, and lost big. They managed to alienate a die-hard user base that would have bought anything, effectively impacting their long-term stability. Third, there was a general lack of awareness...
The oxyfuel baseline: revamping heaters and boilers to oxyfiring by cryogenic air separation and flue gas recycle This feasibility study involves the potential application of oxyfuel technology on a refinery-wide basis at the BP Grangemouth unit in Scotland. A total of... Rodney Allam,Vince White...
I have alluded to the seemingly wanton destruction of an invaluable resource when the complex organic mixture we know as oil is sucked from the ground where it has lain for millennia, then casually burned. Of course, not all the oil goes through the exhausts of our cars, trucks, trains, ...
Plastics, as we refer to them today, are mainly derived from a petroleum source; oil that has been taken from the Earth, broken down, and parts of that oil are then used to make plastic. The Bic pen is made of polystyrene plastic and was first manufactured in 1950. To date, there ha...