At Book Crafts, we specialize in the repair and rebinding of old books and Bibles. We also do new projects, such as presentation bindings and protective enclosures, including slip cases and clamshell boxes. We do many old family Bibles from about 1850, t
Hello to all, I was trying to download file in xamarin forms so I made API that could get those file. My API converts file into memory stream and same stream is sent in response(code is also attached). In xamarin.forms I have used xam.plugins.downloadmanager to download file. The ...
public static void main(String[] args) { Book book = new Book(); book.setAuthor("rensanning"); book.setTitle("Java New Feature"); book.setPages(88); File file = new File("c://testJAXB.xml"); try { JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance(Book.class); Marshaller marshaller = ctx...
How can I force a view to re-render, redraw, rebind? How can I get a list of all local files in a directory? How can I get absolute position of element/view in xamarin.forms How can I get device token in Xamarin.Forms? How can I get dimensions for an image from a memory stream...
1.You can't install provisioning profile in windows/visual studio. 2.To build iOS app you need MacOS + Xamarin. 3. Provisioning profile you can install only on connected Mac. 4. In visual studio you can only choose installed provision profile on connected Mac....
From there, you can get the Screen coordinates. This does work in a Listview, I've used it myself. To get the Native Views:iOS:复制 Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Platform.GetRenderer(myVisualElement).NativeView; iOS:复制 Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Platform.GetRenderer(myVisualElement).View...