MangaHub is a great place to read and download manga for free. There are a ton of regularly updated manga to choose from, both completed and ongoing series. You can check your history for the list of manga books you previously read. A tag will be denoted if there is an update on your...
Reading Time: 5 mins read 00 Image Credit: Everstone Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on TelegramShare on WhatsappShare on Reddit Where Winds Meetis a game developed by Everstone, a new game studio founded byNetEase. It is an open-world Wuxia game set in the backdrop of the...
Touhou Bougetsushou- A collection of 3 series revolving around the schemes of various youkai after the Vampire Remilia Scarlet announces her intention to invade the moon."Silent Sinner in Blue"is a manga that tells the main story;"Cage in Lunatic Runagate"is a novel that follows a different ...
Come October 16th, Spike Jonze, the director who gave us the whimsical “Being John Malkovich” and “Adaptation” is set to relive our childhood memories with his film adaptation of the book. Below are some screen caps from the most awesome looking HD trailer : Spike Jonze, together with J...
Where To Find Junji Ito Cameo Junji Ito is one of the most well-known horror manga artists that had previously collaborated with Hideo Kojima with Silent Hills. He also has a hologram in the game as an Engineer in the Central Region. He isone of the many Preppersthat you can find and ...
So you want to know where to watch My Hero Academia online? Maybe your friends keep telling you how amazing it is or maybe you’ve read the manga, and now you want to watch the show. Either way, we’ve got you covered. My Hero Acadamia (or Boku no Hīrō Akademia) is a special...
Mangafreak: It has a simple design and many manga to read. Mangahere: This site has been around for a long time. It has a large collection. Remember, these free sites often operate in a legal grey area. They might not have the right to share the manga. Using them could be against ...