A perfectly acceptable question to ask Governor Palin is this: “What measures have you taken to ensure that when you are gone, other people and their children do not end up having to earn money, against their will and without their consent, in order to support your child?” That was alw...
Within the next fifty years, the world population will increase by another 40 to 50 %. This population growth – coupled with industrialization and urbanization – will result in an increasing demand for water and will have serious consequences on the environment. People lack drinking water and sa...
If only a subset got the privilege, wouldn’t it have raised some questions (to put it mildly) within the organization? If there were the smallest grain of truth in the report, the WSJ and other news organizations that have done critical reporting on Facebook/Meta in the past ...
Who, what, when, where, and why examples are all present in the following excerpt: Stan went to the bank last Tuesday to cash a check. He had received the check from his grandmother for his birthday, and he decided that the best idea was to put the money into his savings for later ...
de-prioritise contrarian disinformation sources, and speak honestly about what our society really is. In the absence of any attempt at such a project, it is necessary to conclude that this Bill is presented in bad faith, as an attempt to take advantage of misinformed public sentiment to remove...
the one explanation that will allow us to put everything right. There are any number of candidates, each one well-considered and certainly part of a larger, more complex truth. But, in the end, I fear that the reality is more disconcerting than we care to admit, that in fact there is...
China’s poor human rights record is also cited by cold warriors. But China’s single worst human rights violation–it’s decision to put roughly a million Uyghurs into concentration camps–was endorsed by Donald Trump during his first term in office. Once again, it’s difficult to see the...
Alice developed a cancerous node on her lung around 2013 and was not able to put much work into the business after that. With the agreement of her family, none of whom were interested in maintaining the Teeny Publishing Bidness, I bought her out: business, client list, contacts, files and...
In this allotted time, you need to finish: IB Chemistry SL: Paper 1: 30 multiple-choice questions Paper 2: two parts, Section A: answer all of four short responses and Section B: pick one essay question (you choose between three options) ...
In this time, you are expected to complete: IB Physics SL SL Paper 1: 30 multiple-choice questions SL Paper 2: 2 parts, Section A: answer all of 3 or 4 short responses and Section B: pick 1 essay question (you choose between 3 options) ...