Where do you put bronzer on your face? Start by sweeping your brush along your hairline on your forehead, then follow your hairline down to your cheekbones. Then, bring the color to the apples of your cheeks, and then swirl back again to shade under your jawline. When finished, your bro...
Il Boemo. (Petr Václav) Yǐn rù chényān. (Return to Dust) (Li Ruijun) No Bears. (Jafar Panahi) Augure (Omen) (Baloji Tshiani) Kuolleet lehdet. (Fallen leaves) (Aki Kaurismäki) No Hard Feelings. (Gene Stupnitsky) Vincent doit mourir. (Vincent Must Die) (Stéphan Castang) Per...
It was such a beautiful day outside, though I’m almost certain that Texas skipped the spring season and went straight for summer. So I wanted to wear light and loose garments while still looking put together. I chose for my makeup look of the day to be a light one as well, in reg...