It’s important to know how to find your AGI on your tax return because it’s used to determine your income tax liability. Your AGI will be found on line 11 of your 2024 Form 1040, 1040-SR, and 1040-NR.If you plan toe-file your tax return, you may need to fi...
Aside from a small list of students and low-income households, almost every major filing service requires you to upgrade to the “Deluxe” tier to claim common credits. It can be frustrating when you don’t realize you have to upgrade until you’re an hour into the process or about to c...
After some further thought,I’ve decided to leave my 1099 contractors outof the equation. I’ll email them next week to suggest they apply for the PPP themselves next Friday, the 10th. Hopefully, the EIDL $10k grant comes through and I can use that to fund contractor activity for the ne...