Yes I got 9 month free trial offer with the recent purchase of a HP Deskjet 4130e printer. After a lot of trial and error over two days in trying to correctly register for Instant Ink, I was eventually able to complete the registration process which successfully...
Yes it was out of ink you want to see my receipt from Walmart where I had to go buy ink cause I do have time to set here keep sending email unto we clear this up of give you neg. review on Ebay. But it is what it is, You selling Ink Cartridges with no ink in it. Of it...
Pipeline of alimentao drones for printer cartridges with nozzles and hoses connected to the ink reservatàrio external where will be pumped ink automatically. This patent is a process for the reutiliJOSE DE OLIVEIRA
@ Hils50 Welcome to the HP support community. Did you get any free trail offer when you purchased the printer? - 8561744
Yes I got 9 month free trial offer with the recent purchase of a HP Deskjet 4130e printer. After a lot of trial and error over two days in trying to correctly register for Instant Ink, I was eventually able to complete the registration process which successfully... What are SETUP ink cartridges? SETUP ink cartridges are used only to set up a new HP printer or printhead and supply ink for the first series of your print jobs. They are specially designed to initia...