This anime follows the story of a young boy named Monkey D. Luffy, who is nothing like your average pirate. Luffy doesn’t go around attacking innocent people and stealing their valuables; instead, this high-spirited and kind-hearted boy just wants to go out on an adventure and enjoy his ...
“PM me for the download links to my project” - is acceptable. “Now available on a.b.starwars” - is acceptable.“Click HERE for NZB” - is not. “Torrent uploaded to piratebay” - is acceptable.“Get the...
Izzy Hands, played by English actor, Con O’Neill, is a character rightfully named as he acts as the right-hand man to the legendary pirate, Blackbeard. So far in the first half of the season, Hands and his adept brutality have served as an important foil to the inexperienced Captain Bo...
"Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War" will be retelling the final arc from the manga of the same name by Tite Kubo. While the initial series focused on Ichigo Kurosaki and his classmates as they came to terms with their burgeoning supernatural powers, the newest story will see the Soul R...
If you're worried that pop culture is starting to run out of ideas and is endlessly recycling B.S., let us put your mind at ease: It ran out of ideas a long, long time ago.
across discussions on platforms like Reddit, where enthusiasts exchange information. However, these sites often operate outside of standard guidelines. Petitions by courts to internet service providers (ISPs) can lead to removal of such services from the web, as seen with sites like The Pirate Bay...