Amended tax returns can take up to 3 weeks before they appear in the IRS system. From there, it can take up to 16 weeks to process amended returns. As such, it’s best to wait about a month after you mailed in your amended tax return before you check the status of it. If it’s...
If you plan to e-file your tax return, you may need to first find the amount of AGI from last year's return in order for the IRS to verify your identity. You can find your AGI on the form you used to file your last year's return. Various versions of Form 10...
If you filed an electronic return, expect a refund and signed up for direct deposit, the IRS says you should get it within 21 days of filing, as long as there are no issues with your return. If you sent your return by mail or filed an amended return, it will take at least four we...
How Long Will It Take for My Amended Tax Return Refund to Be Processed? If you filed an amended return, it may take 10-12 weeks for the IRS to process it. The IRS does not track amended returns on their "Where's My Refund?" tool, but you can check the status using the IRS amend...
Once you submit an amended return, it can take up to three weeks for information to show up in the portal. The "Where's My Amended Return" tool will let you know if your amended return is received, adjusted, or completed. It can take up to 16 weeks for the IRS to process ...
If you’ve filed Form 1040-X to amend a tax return, the IRS offers some online resources to help you keep on top of it. But don’t expect results right away: The IRS says it takes up to 16 weeks to process an amended return. The good news is that you can begin to track its ...