(or in every cave), we start to settle for something more realistic – a teacher who would be experienced and knowledgeable to teach us proper techniques of asana, pranayama, cleanses and meditation. There are several good teachers here who can offer such expertise. So we learn here and ...
·15 minutesof Transcendental Meditation in total silence. I joined a weekend long program to learn about TM. You canfind a local center here. ·25 minutesof listening to chakra healing music through headphones. There are many on Spotify. I first close my eyes and do EFT for 5 minutes (e...
progressive relaxation, Transcendental Meditation, Kundalini yoga, Zen meditation, and many others. There are also apps like Headspace and Insight Timer that can provide a framework that is user-friendly and takes advantage of technology to facilitate the experience. The reality is that there are as...
A full transcendental moon dipped into the black-out mountain evening, and has cured me of interior turmoil for the time being. This is part of adventures in livingness in what locals call the bu. Chantal’s artistic compound of eight cottages and seventeen acres burned to chips in the Wool...
Today’s remarkable computing power allows for large-scale data analysis, enabling machines to learn, adapt, and perform tasks previously thought exclusive to human intellect. From virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI applications now permeate various facets of daily life, enhancing efficiency ...