Another common theme among these long-term losers is that they typically opt to use share buybacks/financial engineering as a pitch to shareholders in a desperate attempt to drive outsized short-term EPS growth. This is all but a mirage in value creation – especially for those that elect t...
“Fuck you money” is the amount of financial resources required for the average person to say “Fuck you” to their employer but still be able to meet their financial commitments over the long term. Having “Fuck you money” indicates that you are financially independent, with multiple streams...
I am a fourth-year medical student applying to residency and my initial plan is to do aRoth IRAandinvest in real estateduring my training. My goal is to build wealth, pay back student loans, and establish financial independence. However, I am not sure what to do aboutretirement accounts l...
laws against the internet, or whatever else lunacy they’re going to come up with when their God-king isn’t put back in whatever date they’re going to come up with next.
Need one last nudge to build up an emergency fund? Here you go:it gives you the bug to save and invest much more. That’s certainly whathappened to me. And I’m confident that if you’re a saving virgin, you too will get a buzz from seeing your net worth steadily going up instead...
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