At 16 months, Sofia is super active. She loves to dance to any music or even simple clapping, to walk/run around, to carry her heaviest and bulkiest toys. In addition, Sofia is always looking forward to her swimming classes. She even tries to put on her swimming cap on her own! Our...
First, it was his assisting nurse that asked what I had been doing to be 30 lbs lighter than what I was the last time I was in. I told her I went all natural with my treatments with supplements and things. No extra exercise, with the exception about 6lbs of that was because I...
but just in case you don’t know consuming vitamin B stimulates the body’s metabolic functions, and contributes to a healthy heart, healthy hair, skin
It acts by inhibiting the biosynthesis of the active form of vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), which is of particular interest because doctors treating autistic kids are having good success with the administration of methycobalamin. (Bolding added by me/Mardy and I also have broken things into ...