Now, we are all human beings, and we continue to get groggy when we do not get enough sleep even in adulthood. A person displaying Satvik guNas would have enough self-awareness to put a distance between himself and his grogginess. He will say “I am not the person who is feeling sleep...
YUP, because that is what I must do to maintain my health. However while all this was happening I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes….. certainlyNOT from removing grainsfrom my life – but because I had been eating and living a very poor lifestyle for many years, and slowly, but sure...
Now, we are all human beings, and we continue to get groggy when we do not get enough sleep even in adulthood. A person displaying Satvik guNas would have enough self-awareness to put a distance between himself and his grogginess. He will say “I am not the person who is feeling sleep...