Turning around to walk back I smiled at a woman jogging the other way. She returned the smile. Not sure I’ll want to go jogging again. Walking certainly. Great outdoors. Then as I approached our drive I could see a yoof walking towards me at a fastish pace, head buried in device. ...
As always, you have to have general picture on what size or kind of doll you wish to make. Size is more important, I think, because the size of your doll will determine number of stitches used for the head, arms, body and legs. Before you start, think of what size doll you wish ...
Enough of this hip talk daddy oh. Oh except to say the arrow is still there but fading fast. Also took a pic of the dressing today but you don’t get to see that due to its proximity to my hairy backside,. I note they shaved that bit of glute which is understandable. Only time ...
t call him anything, but he was clearly a very clever kitty because he’d hang back as The General snatched some of the food I’d begun to offer from my hand and when it was dropped, the other cat would saunter up and eat it off the ground without ever having to get near the ...
A new “Stitch Haven” sign is coming soon. In the meantime, she invites everyone to check out the shop that still says “Westport Yarns,” near Party Harty and Cava across from Terrain and Fresh Market. Meanwhile, she promises, “we will keep everyone in stitches!” ...
Then, Neyland or David would throw it back to me and I would dive for the ball. I don’t mean dive under the water, but what you do is throw the football out a little ways so that you have to make this fabulous looking catch, as you splash into the water. This day, like ...
There must be cupboard space and adequate hangers, and a light point close to the bed. The mattresses need to be a minimum thickness of 18 centimetres, protected, and stain resistant. 17. This section was surprisingly short – first aid kit, smoke detector near the kitchen, fire extinguisher...
The cards made me go outside this morning to mail them or I wouldn’t have found the unexpected Amazon box on the step. It had rained and the box was so soaked, it dissolved in my hands as I carried it to the kitchen sink. Inside was a dry green cloth bag the cats will love, ...
In her “spare” time, our embroiderer takes English classes and goes to business school. I am in awe of her family and many other families like hers throughout the U.S. This is what the American Spirit has always looked like to me. The idea that ICE could rip away this family that...
s dozens of times. It was a popular hangout with the nerd-clique in high school. I always avoided that table, but even going into the building was enough to get me to sink into moodiness. My closer friends noticed, and asked me about it. I didn’t trust them enough to tell them ...