Voltron engages in an old-school dance-off in "You Got Robo-Served." The secret lives of nature's most fascinating beasts are exposed in "Secrets of the Animal Kingdom." Testicles are terrorized in "Ode to the Nut Shot." EP3Gold Dust Gasoline ...
I’ll never drive an electric car not because I don’t care about the environment (I support green energy), but rather because I expect the value of old gasoline cars to skyrocket in 50 years after they’re no longer being made. If I can keep my gasoline powered cars in good condition...
Renewable natural gas is a low-carbon fuel that can be used as an alternative to gasoline in vehicles or compressed natural gas (CNG). The RNG Coalition estimates that every gallon of renewable diesel produced from waste results in a net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by up to 85 ...
It was their way of doing things. The complaining refugee father continued demanding what he believed to be his rightful due and eventually changed agencies to get it. We were honestly glad to be rid of him, and rather sorry for his wife, who was sweet and shy and possibly rather ...
How Much Water Does it Take to Produce Your Food? Water Pollution A gallon of paint or a quart of motor oil can seep into the earth and pollute 250,000 gallons of drinking water. A spilled gallon of gasoline can pollute 750,000 gallons of water. ...
Truth is, of course, they knew he was onto something major. That’s why they had to get rid of him, and why they destroyed his orgone accumulators and burned his books and papers. They got rid of him physically, but his spirit lives on, and will, of course, prevail, as will all ...
How Much Water Does it Take to Produce Your Food? Water Pollution A gallon of paint or a quart of motor oil can seep into the earth and pollute 250,000 gallons of drinking water. A spilled gallon of gasoline can pollute 750,000 gallons of water. ...
Re: The Electric Vehicle Future: Where is all the power going to come from? « Reply #7 on: February 14, 2020, 03:32:11 am » What about all the electric energy to drill, extract, transport and refine a gallon of gasoline? That must be quite a lot and could be used...
Now both of these sources are good for generating electricity or process heat, but not so much for liquid fuels like gasoline or aviation fuel, however, recently the US Navy has invented a process where by they can take carbonic acid from ocean water (dissolved CO2) and water and combine ...
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