aBut before I make a purchase...is there any way possible to get this screen in Blue Electoplating? and if so, can I see a picture of it to make sure I want to buy. I really like the mirror effect it has...but I would like to have a BLUE one. If you could send me a pict...
and in part to the Commonwealth Games taking over which I know everyone found to be an enormous uplifting success for the city, and finally now Pride is back in its rightful spot as the first of the year in the UK over the late May bank holiday weekend. This...
was first exhibited with great honour at the crossroads in the countryside, and then conveyed into the city itself. But in the town of Lavinium a whole month was devoted to Liber alone, during the days of which all the people gave themselves up to the must dissolute conversation, until tha...
You’ve been wanting to come browse the shelves at Canio’s for a while. You’ve been telling yourself you’ve got to get over there. Soon. Gentle reader,now is the time! We’ve got great sales and great books in need of a new home. As we enter the last month at our current ...
used to tell us “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” and we should be grateful for what we had, as many others had less. It is also essential to speak out and advocate for a world where it is unacceptable to put material wealth before human life and the life of the plan...
I’m your host, Epidiah Ravachol, the author of Dread–which you can totally get a PDF of for only $3 and you probably should go do that now–but did you know I make other things? It’s true! If sword and sorcery is your goblet of mead, then lo, there is Worlds Without Master...
I was younger than most of my classmates and thereby, did not take driver’s ed. until my senior year in high school. This was the give-away to my age and many taunted me for only being sixteen. Nonetheless, I was anxious to get out from the passenger side of my mother’s car. ...
payment for delivering the "dude" to Bob. Prosecutors say Gray wrote that he "hand delivered you your revenge ... "To authorities, it sounded like Gray had abducted Ray Wright at Bob's request, but they had no idea who Bob was — or why he would want revenge.RAY WRIGHT VA...
recession. These improvements are particularly important to me as I previously faced issues with a dental implant that necessitated multiple visits to my dentist. Since switching to the TOKII toothbrush, I have not encountered any problems with my implant, which I attribute to the gentler cleaning...
(I didn’t, until I visited!) Stroll along the historic Andrássy Avenue toward the city center and enjoy the sights along with plenty of shopping. Grab a bite to eat at one of the many cafes lining the sidewalks here before you head back to your hotel to get ready for the evening....