where you’ll find multiple enemies awaiting you. Your goal to reach the Ash of War: Blood Tax is to navigate through this dangerous area and reach the back area, where there will be a hole carved into the side of a hill. Inside, you’ll find the Ash of War Scarab, and upon defeat...
Cross the bridge, move northwest, and run toward the hills inElden Ring.Once you get close to the hill, turn to the west and find theChurch of Vows Site of Gracethere. 2. Stormveil Castle Another wayto the Church of Vows is to clear theStormveil Castlearea and keep moving until you ...
of this, Therolina will not fight when summoned to aid you in combat. Instead, she will throw out Holy Water Pots and use healing incantations to keep you alive while you do all the fighting. Here is where you can find Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet’s spirit ashes in Elden Ring. ...