Where to buy mandrakes The easiest method to get mandrakes, provided you’ve got the funds, is to simply purchase them. While most vendors are hit-and-miss when it comes to stocking up on them, the one reliable source you can always go to for your mandrakes fix is Dogweed and Death...
Sort of a trade off since he ideally wants to be moving forward into melee, not away from the violence. But he’s also significantly faster than the rest of the human members. Otherwise the rest would setup a perimeter, rain down fire, and let the dinosaur distract and hold off the ...
you will need to get a horse and harness to attach to the carriage, which will require two Pony Points to get from the stable. When the carriage is all set, ride it along the path, taking the first two left turns directly to the ...
Get thrown in jail by being some place you’re not meant to be or get caught stealing. Then choose to go to jail. You’ll then have to lockpick your way out of jail, but you’ll be able to access Lower City. The House of Grief Location ...
Lower City, Philgrave's Mansion During the quest to find Thrumbo in Act 3, go to this location and lockpick a stone door to the west of the house. The Soul Coin lies on a table full of body parts on the east end of the upper house guarded by ghoul enemies. Soul Coin #8 The...