Another hairless rodent is a rat known as the " fancy rat " Rats are mostly social animals-they like to be around other rats . Putting hairless fancy rats together with furry rats ( fancy or not so fancy) helps keep them happy and in good hea...
Never mind how, but let the record show that I not only had to cancel my dogwalks for three months, but I also had to cancel a planned getaway to Montana (for writing, ostensibly) in order to spend about three months healing the damned thing. And in a way, it was a blessing, bec...
Temperatures: 75°F on the cold side to 92° on the warm side Humidity:40%-60% Food: Mice, rats, chicks and quail are good feed choices… They prefer mice, but getting your Carpet on rats will be a good choice! You’ll have more time between feedings since rats have more nutrients...
Not to worry though, as Galapaguera de Cerro Colorado is home to a number of tortoises that roam around an area that provides them with natural vegetation and water. Similar to the tortoise breeding and research centres on other islands, but without any crowds, this is a great place to go...
“Ok, Nigel from Liverpool – you get to go to Ukraine to die for the Donbas while Abdul from Pakistan gets to stay on welfare here in Blighty grooming your younger sister!”. Not gonna work out). If you don’t have force on the table, you don’t get to decide how a war goes....
MEANWHILE, back on the farm:The market lambs “went to market today”. (Actually the deed was done here at the farm; which avoids the stress on the lambs of being driven in a truck to somewhere unfamiliar.) It’s an especially bittersweet time because we aren’t planning on any mor...
I go to the shelf the rats on the roof The wick by my side and I will be tough We can get through all side by sides We can hang together through the night You are the man bro you really are If I have some money I will buy you a tire ...
First, and because I didn't promise not to do this: I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO, I F*CKING TOLD YOU SO. For everyone who came here to lecture me, that the China Coff was going to depopulate the world, and I was being irresponsible for saying it was like
It was the most embarrassing party for me when I noticed that everybody was wearing jeans and simple T-shirts for the day, while I arrived in proper dress with my shoes and my hair all fixed for a fancy party.It was hard to explain my embarrassment to the other guests.When one of th...
and Hanover, visiting the villages and interviewing the native chiefs and making treaties with them by which the forlorn company were to receive regular supplies of food in exchange for fish hooks, knives, beads61, combs, and such trifles as all the world over have taken the fancy of primitiv...