your memory of the experience is probably pretty unpleasant. Even when all goes well, the hospital is a nerve racking place for most of us , we would rather choose not be there . But did you know that just by being treated in a functioning hospital and having access to modern care, As...
I don’t know about you, but jet lag is the least of my issues when doing the continental shuffle. You thinkI’d be used to it by now, but a zillion little things always trip me up when I get to one side or the other. I get in the wrong side of the car. I have to remembe...
I don’t know about you, but jet lag is the least of my issues when doing the continental shuffle. You thinkI’d be used to it by now, but a zillion little things always trip me up when I get to one side or the other. I get in the wrong side of the car. I have to remembe...