('','exp',Db::raw("FIND_IN_SET($pid,pc.pidarr)")) // ->where($where) ->where($where1) ->where($where2) ->where('ed.deleted',0) ->where('c.deleted',0) ->where('m.deleted',0) ->where('pc.deleted',0) ->where('p.deleted',0) ->select(); //echo Db::name('...
header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8");if($id ==0) {echo"参数错误,没有找到订单";exit; }//这个地方,需要判断一下有没有tendree的权限// echo "userid=".Auth::user()->id;$order = Orders::where("id","=", $id)->where("userid","=", Auth::user()->id)->where("step...
$to = date('Ymd', strtotime(Input::get('expTo'))); $payments = Payment::where('club_id','=', $club->id)->with('player')->whereBetween('created_at',array($from, $to))->get(); $param =array('transaction_type'=>'cc','action_type'=>'refund,sale','condition'=>'pendingsett...
很多时候我们使用wherein的时候是想按wherein里边的数组进行排序,但数据库查询的时候就会默认按照主键id进行升降序排序,在这里我们用以下方法: tp5.1之前是这么走: $ids = implode...$ids.')'); $datas = Db::name('think_user') ->whereIn('id',$ids) ->field...('id,status') ->order($exp) ...
7 Ways to Get Command Line Help on Linux 关于WSL (windows sub-system linux) 在linux子系统中,您安装的发行版可能没有自带安装以下命令. 如果shell提示您找不到命令,可以安装他们 您自行安装: sudo apt install <theCommandYouNeed> 或sudo yum install <theCommandYou...
dmxtodmx(1) dos2unix(1) dot(1) dotty(1) doxygen(1) doxytag(1) dpost(1) dprofpp(1) du(1) du(1B) du(1g) dump(1) dumpcap(1) dumpcs(1) dumpkeys(1) dvipdf(1) ebrowse(1) echo(1) echo(1B) echo(1g) ed(1) edit(1) editcap(1) editres(1) egrep(1) egrep(1g) eject...
= "" ] || exit 1 -# echo -n "Is the board connected to the JTAG a '${FTDI_ID}' (y/n)? " +# echo -n "Is the board connected to the JTAG a '${FTDI_ID}' (y/n)? " # read REPLY # [ "$REPLY" = "y" ] || exit 1 fi diff --git a/boards/msba2-common/tools/...
Otherwise head over to Perforce to get the latest and greatest. First install the server component “helix-versioning-engine-x64.exe” Select the components you want to use; the defaults should suffice. Under Server configuration set the server to “1666” unless you have a server elsewhere. ...
When you run create-react-app, it always creates the project with the latest version of react-scripts so you’ll get all the new features and improvements in newly created apps automatically. To update an existing project to a new version of react-scripts, open the changelog, find the versi...
$queryPart = $this->getDQLPart($queryPartName); echo $queryPart;不要觉得奇怪,对象也可以当作字符串用,引用PHP手册上的原话__toString() 方法用于一个类被当成字符串时应怎样回应。谓词对象的__toString的实现在Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Composite,一起来看看...