您不需要使用产品密钥来激活在 Epic游戏商城中直接购买的游戏。 如果您在通过 Ubisoft Connect 游玩游戏时被要求提供 CD Key,请根据这篇育碧文章中的步骤操作:激活从Epic游戏商城购买的育碧游戏。 如果你已经激活了一个游戏密钥或代码,却在游戏中被要求提供,您可以参照这篇...
You don't need a product key to play games that you purchase directly from the Epic Games Store. If you are asked to provide a CD key when you try to play a game through Ubisoft Connect, please follow the steps outlined in the Ubisoft articl...
If you purchase EA digital products from an unauthorized party and the CD key or product code is disabled, we won’t be able to help you. Here are some tips to help keep your account safe. Looking for more? Check out EA Forums to get help from other players and chat with the communi...
If you purchase EA digital products from an unauthorized party and the CD key or product code is disabled, we won’t be able to help you. Here are some tips to help keep your account safe. Looking for more? Check out EA Forums to get help from other players and chat with the communi...
If you purchase EA digital products from an unauthorized party and the CD key or product code is disabled, we won’t be able to help you. Here are some tips to help keep your account safe. Looking for more? Check out EA Forums to get help from other players and chat with the communi...