The fob has a body (1) constituting an advertising medium, and a continuous flexible attachment attached to the body, where the attachment is formed of a twisted cable which is folded in an inlet inserted in a blind hole (3) of the body. A pin (4) inserted in a blind boring (6) ...
Track US or Canadian dollar bills as they travel across the country. Enter the serial number and zip code to track its past history. Get email when the next person registers your bill!
Bag system for making purchase, has resistant and flexible pocket suspending at key fob and containing canvas bag folded and compressed in pocket, where pocket is closed by zip fastener, and bag is integrated to pocket 机译:用于购买的袋系统,具有耐用且灵活的口袋,可悬挂在钥匙扣上,并包含折叠并压...