The most important thing when buying a replica swiss watch is its price. You can’t abuse any of these models if you don’t expect them to be low-cost. Advances in cheaper technology AAA Swiss version of Rolex swiss watches have changed the demand. Demand is higher than ever because peop...
The easiest and cheapest way to add some cozy bling to your campsite is with a string or two of twinkling lights. Battery-powered LED lights are easy to find these days, as are solar-powered lights. Here are some easy ideas for adorning your campsite with twinkly lights. Put wireLED t...
802.11v was baked into the firmware. This slowed me down(not in the roaming sense, how I was doing my setup). But I needed to continue with this test to see how fast things moved. So if you look back at thispost, it talks about what devices and ...
In recent days, it has changed course again and hit $106 now. This is not a good sign for gasoline prices. Clearly, there has been some demand destruction, and perhaps this was enough to cause the price of gasoline to come back down a little. But maybe i...
I’m talking beads of sweat on the forehead, cursing like a sailor, “I swear I’ll never take apart another watch”- sort of pain to get back together. Breaking one of the pivots is the most likely result for the first couple attempts at doing a 748. The engine is now more ...
30 and I was all ready to get on board but it cleared up and I wished I had a camera rigged up to catch the LIMP flags out at Texas Roadhouse. (Granted, they were wet.) The sun came out and I thought, “God loves me!” (and then, “but how about intervening in some of ...
Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win Posted bywa8dzp [Note: This item comes from friend David Rosenthal. DLH] Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win Trumpist county election officials are preparing to throw the process into chaos. ...
In a previous blog post, I was going to capture using two Access Points with 802.11r disabled. It was disabled but, 802.11v was baked into the firmware. This slowed me down(not in the roaming sense, how I was doing my setup). But I needed to continue with this test to see how fas...
This was a short lakeside sprint along the edge of a forest, at flat out speed until you ran out of steam – no chance of waiting to get a second wind here so I didn’t really expect to excel. And I didn’t! Overall position ...
On the Russia-Ukraine war, which the president has repeatedly said he could end in one day, Trump said: “I have another half a day. We want to get it done.” And he said Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of North Korea, an American foe, “will be ha...