to metallic Sn on the surface of the ore; collector reagents are then added, and flotation is carried out at pH 4-9 so the tin ores are removed in the foam. Redn. is pref. for max. 1 h., esp. for 5-30 mins.; and the collector reagents are pref. xanthates, thiophosphates and...
Sorting of prim. tin ores by flotation - where crushed ore is treated with organic complex former, esp. EDTA to increase yield of tinThe ores rae esp complex, fine disseminated cassiterites which are crushed to a fineness suitable for flotation and are then subjected to a chemical treatment ...
A topographic model represents alluvial tin ore components (2) which are transported by water (1) from a primary (6) to a secondary (4) deposit.SCHULZE-BUENTE, JOERG