Join our dedicated Discord server! Limitations Runs on Windows based devices exclusively at the moment. If anyone would be interested in making it work cross platform I would gladly accept any collaboration!
model so you’ll need to create an OpenAI account and an API key to gain access to our model of choice. Use this page for instructions on how to find your OpenAI API key. Setup the Application In the next sections, you’ll run this application a few times, but now you can download...
You can create another channel for error logs where you would set notifications to high priority so that you will be quickly aware if anything goes wrong. To do that it's pretty simple, you'll have to send a json post request to the discord webhook (Discord server settings / Integrations...
This is the spotto show off what you’ve built with Glitch, and see what else the community is creating. Get feedback from creators, or find a new friend to collaborate with – sharing is the first step! Show off your projects!
required but 10pts will be awarded for battle ready painted armies (3 colors and base). 3D printed accent pieces such as Space Marine shoulder pads are acceptable but fully 3D printed or non-GW models need to be check by the TO for legality (or message Cash on our discord server linked...
You didn’t have to pick a server or declare your interests ahead of time; you just showed up, set a password, and got to work. Because everyone was together, these platforms were able to make it trivially easy to find people you like and content that interests you. They were able to...
Keeping multiple sites inside of public_html needlessly complicates your site configurations. This is especially true of WordPress sites. Certain configurations will cause.htaccessandphp.inisettings from one site to affectother sites stored in the same directory. If you keep your addon domains inside...
An A/A IEM has a combined point score of 42. This is the maximum score required to be eligible for an overall “A” rank. An A/A+ IEM has a combined point score of 34. This is lower than the max requirement for an A rank (42), but still higher than the max requirement for ...
3D printed accent pieces such as Space Marine shoulder pads are acceptable but fully 3D printed or non-GW models need to be check by the TO for legality (or message Cash on our discord server linked below) Doors are open at 10:00 and games start at 10:45 so don’t be late! Prizes...