Bugs aren’t just occasional nuisances, they’re crucial to the environment. Now populations of species worldwide are falling at alarming rates.
Her words collectively described how we all felt in that moment and what we would all do when we left each other to face the world. With a self-assured smile and early morning eyes she said, “Grounded. Soaring.” Indeed. “We Take Our Feminism Crunk” Share this: Reddit Twitter Face...
Open Library is more than just a catalog of free classic books. It also shows contemporary books that are free to read if you decide to borrow them. To do that, you may need to register at Open Library or find the book in your local library using WorldCat or Library Link. Each librar...
Factory bosses used children to climb into the insides of industrial machinery to clear a jam, sometimes with fatal consequences. These were not isolated incidents but common. Families were poor and hungry and they took what work they could find, even if it meant sending a child as young as ...
government’s archives site, providing access to a variety of records, including immigration records, military service files, and census records. 10. Reddit Genealogy Community https://www.reddit.com/r/genealogy –Description: A supportive online community where users discuss genealogy research, share...
Find other file and tweak as necessary I really got tired of doing this. Sometimes there was nothing to tweak but I looked anyway and sometimes I didn't have quite what I wanted. I said to myself "Surely someone else has solved this problem!". I usedLazybonesmany years ago...and it...
The “what if…?” conversations started to diminish. Skeptics and trolls showed up. By 2016, I had to close comments. After that, Mandela Effect conversations were so rampant on Reddit, etc., and often ridiculous, I started to lose interest. ...
Instead of wishing ot save everyone, Kiritsugu decides his priority is now to make sure he loses no one else in his life, and so, he resolves to take the boy in, naming him Shirō. This single act will shift Kiritsugu’s outlook on life, and while he’s unable to find Illya, his ...
Where coders don't know to goSkip to content Home Point of this blog 2014: Zero Hour for AI Who are we? Contact "Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks." – Stephen ...
The “what if…?” conversations started to diminish. Skeptics and trolls showed up. By 2016, I had to close comments. After that, Mandela Effect conversations were so rampant on Reddit, etc., and often ridiculous, I started to lose interest. ...