步驟1:設置OBS的最佳替代方案將屏幕錄像機安裝到PC後,啟動它。 Mac有另一個版本。 挑 視頻錄像機 打開主界面。 如果您想設置手動記錄的位置,請單擊 設定 圖標打開 偏好 對話。 轉到輸出選項卡,並設置 臨時文件的位置 輸出文件的位置。 您還可以在“視頻格式”選項中自定義錄製格式。 設置後,單擊 OK 關閉彈出...
第3部分。OBS記錄的故障排除和常見問題解答 很容易找到OBS記錄在哪裡。但是,使用OBS記錄您遇到的內容時遇到的其他問題並不容易解決。 1. OBS是否不保存錄音? 您應該查看設置是否符合您期望文件的位置。此外,您可以通過更改記錄存儲位置來解決問題,從而解決問題。 2. OBS是否不保存完整記錄? 只需檢查用於保存OBS...
Also, OBS can be used to record screen on the computer to make demonstration videos, tutorials and more. When recording computer screen or live streaming with OSB, some users said they cannot find the location where OBS saves the recordings. This tutorial will show you where to find OSB ...
如果没有关于存储位置的任何特定指令,您的 OBS 录制文件通常位于 OBS 安装文件夹的默认目录中。因此,要访问这些记录,请导航到系统上安装 OBS 的位置。 要快速访问 OBS 录制内容,请启动 OBS 并导航至最上面的菜单栏。从那里,按“文件”并确保选择“显示录音下拉菜单中的“选项。此操作将立即显示 OBS 中的所有屏幕...
Whether you are using a Windows or Mac computer, you can easily take a screenshot on the computer with some keyboard shortcuts. However, after the screenshots are taken, you don't know where to find the screenshots. Somehow the screenshots won't be saved to the desktop or the screenshots...
OBS会将记录保存在FLV中,以产生较小的文件大小。 However, you can change it to MP4 format in the Settings dialog.但是,您可以在“设置”对话框中将其更改为MPXNUMX格式。 Click the点击 个人设置 右下角的按钮,然后转到 输出 tab from the left side on the popup dialog.弹出对话框左侧的标签。 Then ...
Find out more about how we test. Ezvid is a free screen recorder that won’t spoil your footage with unsightly watermarks, but with a significant caveat: it can only export recordings to YouTube. There's no way to save them to your PC. It can also only record for up to 45 minutes...
You remember in the Broadcast Settings window where you could select a file path to save local recordings to? If you click, "Start recording," it will just stream directly to your hard drive. That way, you can check what your stream would look like without having to actually go live. ...
The reason you don’t get much north-south contrails is that there are very little to the north of you, which is why you do not get a grid. Have a look at this diagram, made from FAA recordings of actual aircraft positions. https://contrailscience.com/images/1_1024chicagodot.jpg ...
It may be the case that cognition and language diversity are infinite in variation but many pieces to the picture are becoming increasingly more difficult to find. 3. Orientation Systems Frames of reference, how humans indicate location, also known as orientation systems, are one aspect of ...