Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most.Learn more about Collectives Teams Q&A for work Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams Get early access and see previews of new featur...
NOW Find Relieflinks to its Privacy Policy right above the submission button on a contact form that collects a variety of protected personal information, from a phone number and email address to a name and zip code: Here's howAge UKdoes the same thing, but improves it a bit by adding so...
In this statement, it looks like you want to use the values of your previously declared variables, V1 and V2: ' WHERE MESSAGE_ID between V1 and V2 ' DB2 sees this as a string literal. Instead, try changing this part of the statement like so: ...
I tried to discover the location of this sql statement but i cannot find it. The error is that no table was added to sql and more than one table used in the statement has a column called lastname. My problem is where to find this sql statement to correct ...
For in addition to figuring out facts and norms, we also have to look closely at the relation between them. To do otherwise—that is, to discount that relation—would be to take a partial view of the problem, inevitably affecting the solution we can find to the question: Are facts and ...
To find out how many orders only contain order-lines where the statement is true, I separated the order-no. in a new table and linked my new 'order_header' table to 'order_lines' via the order_no as a key. The relation is: one order_header can have seve...
Apple solves the low battery problem from iOS 5 with… Apple has acknowledged in a statement to AllThingsD that "A few customers have reported that the battery life is less than expected on iOS5 devices. We found that the bug… Learn the Tips to save iPhone 4S Battery life When it come...
find_index: .068 Note that my method ignores keys that don't appear l2, and doesn't handle cases where keys appear more than once in l2. Adding in empty lists for keys that don't appear in l2 can be done by {**res, **{key: [] for key in set(l1).difference...
Problem summary Today part of my app crashed, but nothing else stopped with it. I need to find the first and last tracked message ids for each channel during the downtime. I log unix timestamps alongside each message record, so I will be using those to determine which...