2. Does Mezcal make you hallucinate?No, never. You're thinking of Mescaline, an hallucinogenic found in the buttons from the peyote cactus. Do you chew the worm in mezcal? - Should You Eat the Tequila Worm?Most people would not eat the mezcal worm, but in some cultures it is quite ac...
About a decade or so ago, 00individual sealed-off his attic from Squirrels, pigeons and rats only to find afterwards a just-hatched pigeon. It was all eyes and beak with just hairs for feathers. He thought he’d do his best to keep her alive, and did. Her name was “So Sweet”, ...
But the urge to get high is nothing new, and the cultures that have formed alongside psychoactive plant chemicals, from morphine to mescaline, usually incorporated ways of controlling their use and appreciating them in safe moderation. In Tibetan regions where I’ve worked cannabis is a frequent ...