Thanks to the internet and band websites, it is easier to find out about bands touring overseas, and what level they play to. The likes of Coldplay and Ed Sheeran play massive stadiums all across the world. Coldplay spent the weekend in India, continuing to set records with its “Music ...
The Silere Alpine Origin Merino Lamb Oyster Shoulder for two (marinated for 24 hours then slow-cooked overnight in Central Otago Pinot Noir), served with most perfectly roasted spuds, portobello mushrooms and seasonal steamed veggies and pan jus is sublime. The other thing people come here for...
“Pakistani music is so wonderfully diverse, so brilliantly textured into layers of magic and it has formed an integral part of those who lived through the ’80s, ’90s and 2000s. Yet, except for the ever-vibrant indie scene, mainstream music had come to a standstill .The aim of Patari ...