Beasts of Winter (DLC) has a final boss that took me nearly 8 tries to beat, eventually lowering the difficulty because my wizard was multi-class and no one had the skill to debuff the 90% damage reduction the boss had. There are other mechanical challenges. Enchanting is a great idea, ...
Well, it wasn’t that I was being chased as much as it was to get away from something that I did ‘t want to happen. I feel like now that I must have died there and am alive here, but I look and feel the same…to me that is. Rachel very quietly and tenderly said, you are ...
Turn to the East to find the next fire and unconscious Warden. Again there are 3 Nightmare Courtiers to start this fight. After those go down though another few will join the fray, with a Nightmare Hound and Spider to tow as well. After that put revive the nearby Warden and put out th...
Using this network, we calculated the weighted degree centrality of each node (Equation (2)) to identify potential community leaders, who should have high degree centrality as well as high well-being scores. To find out who can help those with poor well-being, we calculated the "support ...