You have to realize that these big shows are in fact in this for the money, and not only are large dollars put in, but large dollars are put out. Ticket prices can be influence in production costs. Michael Jackson, on his Dangerous tour, had his production cots so high that he pretty...
Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis, and Frank Sinatra invited Vegas to drink, make love, and gamble. And they did. If you find anyone over seventy in Vegas today, ask them about the Rat Pack, Johnny Roselli, or Jack
We shall all still be kindred spirits regardless of what religious culture or location we were born into on this planet and encouraging others to open up to the various world religions and their likes and dislikes as differences will be the best way to ask all who share this space in this ...
Don’t get me wrong, I like Gang of Four too, guys, and there is always an extent to which influence is unconsciously absorbed, which is fine. Someone writing country inspired music is likely to pick up a little bit of twang just like an aspiring suburban MC is probably going to pick...
Today, I’m going to tell you how to find frugal friends. Before that though, allow me to back up a moment so I can tell you about how we recently scored some frugal friends of our own. Old Friends Hiding in the Frugal Closet ...
Yesterday, thanks to my friends at J Williams Staffing I had the opportunity to hear Mike Staver, speaker and author of Leadership Isn’t For Cowards, talk about one of the obstacles to being a person of influence: The need to be right. When we need to be right, it doesn’t allow fo...
Now I’ll have screenshots to show my influence in creating changes to a website to inrease user friendliness.Comment from Phil Luke Time September 18, 2009 at 6:34 am You can access the clipboard via Word and paste the image into a document, but the resulting file is 1.5Mb! Is ...
Although it is true that hormonal fluctuations may have an influence on a woman's libido, turning to hormone replacement therapies, or just waiting for the body to readjust its hormonal levels can help with it and make intercourse as pleasant as it has always been. We're already 773! Join...
I’m aware of Linus Torvalds political views, and that of Richard Stallmans. The fact that you talk about you beliving in open source(sic) and me believing in free software. Your responses only show the *influence* of Linus. Personally I would rather Linus focus on *promoting* Linux as...
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