Set in a magnificent dining room, guests are transported back to Christmas Eve, 1843. As the night draws in, Dickens himself guides you through his timeless tale, and guests tuck into an exceptional Victorian-inspired three-course Christmas dinner while the story of Scrooge plays out around them...
Luffy, who plans to take up the mantle of the pirate king and find the legendary treasure One Piece is quite simple, but Oda built a fantastic world around it and takes his sweet time introducing you to all of its facets. Luffy builds a crew of characters who go through thick and thin...
And I came to find, many artist and writer colleagues – for various reasons – were unable to output at the same level. I’ve been told many a time: “It’s incredible that you can record and produce vocals from home as a blind artist.” But what’s really incredible is how I...
Who is currently regarded as the greatest guitarist of all time? It's a hard question to answer but plenty have tried. In the last decade, a plethora of lists have sought to rank our guitar greats, drawing variously on panels of experts, lone "specialist
Slow and moody with lots of echo added to the quivering, shivering guitars, blues and rock combine on another hidden gem. ‘Talk To Me Baby’ was on the B-Side of Donnie Bowser’s single ‘Tomorrow,’ when it was released on the Domino label, in 1961. It’s an explosive example ...
Ozzy Osbourne (1981):Randy Rhoads' interest in neo-classical guitar stylings didn't just propel the quickly assembled 'Diary of a Madman' to near-classic status, it pointed to a larger career statement that - tragically - was never to be. In retrospect, it was good Ozzy rushed this out...
This time around they’ve stripped the sound down a bit and shifted some of the focus from synths to guitars, but this isn’t exactly a redo of A Series of Sneaks. Also, special props to the band for putting together a remix album that somehow is good enough on its own but still ...
For this reason, one must encourage listeners to use their own skill and personal preferences, sustained by some investigation, to find the recordings that best meet the listener’s own tastes. The technical skills of performers past and present as well as the scientific advancements in recording...
Due to the realities of the Open Range, where the music developed, traditional instruments are of the hearty and portable type; guitars, fiddles, and occasionally harmonicas. Early Western Music had three tempos that were influenced by the cow-pony: walk, trot and lope. "Country and Western...
Looking for a rendezvous venue or just wants to hide away from the world? Sofa Bar is the place for you. The squishy sofas are tempting for long talks, while the quietly rumbling sound of acoustic guitars inspires big ideas and powerful speeches. ...