i actually want to import repositories from another gitlab instance into my docker-gitlab instance As far as i read i have to do a bunch of "gitlab-ctl" calls (http://stackoverflowcom/questions/19902417/change-the-data-directory-gitlab-to-store-repos-elsewhere) but I cannot find gitlab-...
I am trying to figure out how to use git-lfs. I use a gitlab EE server. Maybe I missed something, but I failed to find any documentation on git-lfs beyond very short tutorial introducing the "track" command and cute 1 minute videos. For example, I add and track a 3.7GB tar file ...
That differs from your password, which is unique to your account, and cannot be easily changed without having to also modify it everywhere you happen to use it. Since a PAT can be used in place of a password when performing Git operations over HTTPS with Git on the command line or the ...
I am using Masterpassword still and switched to a new android phone. Sadly there doesn't seem to be any releases or downloads online anymore and spectre isn't provided for android yet as far as I can see. Can somebody tell me how to build the latest android version? I tried checking ...
Go to yourgoogle account settingsand under the “Signing in to Google” section, you will find an “App passwords” setting. Generate a new password for the elementary Calendar, then use it in the “Calendar authentication request” dialog. ...
Sorry to be dense, but it is not clear to me where I should be running the installs. I have a central gitlab installed; have been using it for a couple of months, and I set up a system that I assumed will be my read-only mirror system. T...
gitlab修改admin密码 登录gitlab服务器,进入控制台 gitlab-rails console production 修改密码user=User.where(id:1).firstuser.password=‘password’user.save!用新的密码登录root账号 Python操作Mysql数据库入门——数据导入pandas(数据分析准备) ()我们再次查询,发现报错了,说明确实已经断开了连接: 如果运行代码报错...
Full code at https://gitlab.com/mattias.br/sillyWikipediaSpider. Current version limited to only download the first eight links from each page to save time. Without changing it download 55 pages at ~600 MB heap usage. Thanks for any help!
There is a gitlab and a github pipeline as example existing The webapp folder contains a simple ui5 webapp as dummy, showing us a list with entries from our (local) model It's usingui5-tooling. The best way to start for new (and experienced) UI5 developers! Check outpeter.muessiggreat...
| SAP HANA, please have look to this document created by John Appleby. Addition to this you will find more space in HANA for the real time reporting. All data which is loaded to SAP HANA, should be modeled by using HANA modeling tools: "Modeling in SAP HANA implies building specialized...