Womenswear clothing brand Johnny Was, known for its vintage-inspired styles, is repurposing fabric to sell non-medical grade, pleated masks with an interior pocket for a filter. A pack of fivemasksin floral patterns costs $25. They ship in two to three weeks from the order date. Clothing m...
Next, we were treated to a dynamic presentation onColor Wash Quiltsby Karen Wood, Veronica Seratto, and Susan Duval. Their tips, tricks, and examples were so inspiring. And Sue even gave us a live demonstration of how to turn our own scraps into a beautiful color wash quilt! The highli...
I added an embroidered daisy flower on the back corner. It was a little interesting to trying to find the right distance for each petal on a crocheted background. Also, I lined the coin purse with some light-weight polka dot fabric. I ended up really liking this pattern because it’s ...
So, once I had them all cut I began sewing. You leave ears and then square them up. So overall once they were squared up and trimmed they did not look bad. But, I need to try something else before I decide if this ruler is a success. I used some valentines fabric so I could gi...
I also sporadically pin (like, with actual needles, not like the Pinterest type of pinning) other scraps of paper with scripture passages, songs, quotes, pictures and other sacred visuals onto the white fabric whenever I come across something inspiring. So by the end of a year, the altar ...
Stitch N’ Sew Centre has a wonderful selection of all types of fabric from garment to bridal to home dec. If you are ever offered the opportunity to check this store out, you absolutely must go. I found this satin and the overlay fabric and was ready to get to work. I created a ...
I got this wee apple basket today at a friend’s yard sale and cut out the basket bottom and wove the front and back with wire, making sure to press down all the pointy edges with pliers. Filled it with selvage fabric, dryer lint, cheesecloth scraps and hemp string and will hang it ...
I still quickly adopt the characteristics of any group I find myself in and try to blend in. I am very good a chatting up strangers but not so good at developing lasting friendships. I really hated the first day at a new school and still break out in an anxious sweat when joining ...
war stories of her music hall days, never explained what had happened in the vast wilderness of decades between the photo on the bureau and her tiny, wrinkled, fabric-swathed, elderly self. I had no relationship with her. She was simply the incarnation of dance and a mystery to us all....
The policeman was nice, even spoke a little English, and told me where to find the ayuntamiento, opposite the Casa de la Cultura. Except – not. The first person I could find in the Casa de la Cultura said the ayuntamiento was now next to the Jardin Nazari. And so it was, no sign...