We address this limitation by developing a method that uses award-winning innovations which have been successfully commercialized to find breakthrough patents on a large scale. For the period 1976–2013, in a sample of 138,467 USPTO patents, we identify 17,176 breakthrough innovations. Relevant ...
Fantastic titles and where to find them. Nat Rev Phys 3, 225 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-021-00299-1 Download citation Published01 April 2021 Issue DateApril 2021 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-021-00299-1 Springer Nature Limited Share this article Anyone you share the fol...
The culling of animals that are infected, or suspected to be infected, with COVID-19 has fuelled outcry. What might have contributed to the ongoing debates and discussions about animal rights protection amid global health crises is the lack of a unified
edited and queried by a large public, like there is UniProt [19] for proteins or NCBI Taxonomy [20] for the classification of living organisms. This leads to an impressive (123) amount of various, open and commercial, with different scope and differently ...
So, it is not passive, it is not posting on a chat, it is not having a website full of experts who accept every challenge; we look for specific capabilities related to every challenge… We can articulate the need, we can push it out to find where the solutions may exist and then ...
it’s application in (traditional) medicine, diseases it targets, etc.) and if the download of the molecular structures for local use (such as virtual screening) is easy. All these criteria are chosen to evaluate the “FAIRness” [23] (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) of th...
We find that rankings based on impact factors that use data from different time periods are highly correlated and provide similar rankings of journals using either two-year or five-year assessment periods, either with or without self-citations. However, some individual journals have large rank ...
Physical activity was measured using three indicators: (I) Transport walking, (II) Leisure walking, and (III) Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA). For transport and leisure walking, daily averages were calculated and then dichotomised using 30 min as cut-off. MVPA was calculated as...
For in addition to figuring out facts and norms, we also have to look closely at the relation between them. To do otherwise—that is, to discount that relation—would be to take a partial view of the problem, inevitably affecting the solution we can find to the question: Are facts and ...
Evidence is sparsely available insofar as there is not much data relevant to inferences about the theories under consideration, or if that data is distributed such that it is hard to find. For example, engravings and other proto-symbolic traces produced by early humans are important data for ...