Genshin Impact, the hit open world RPG, brings players to the fictional world of Teyvat to battle monsters, find treasure chests, and complete a plethora of missions. While exploring, the player’s party might run low on HP due to enemy attacks or fall damage. Luckily, they can restore i...
How to Find All Fontaine Shrine of Depths in Genshin Impact Currently, there arefour Shrines of Depths in Fontaine, one for each major landmass. Two of them are easy to get to, a third is underwater, and the fourth and final one in the north is a bit of a hike. Here’s where yo...
Opening high-level chests will require you to learn Lock Picking and gather a ton of lock picks for the cause. Learning Lock Picking also lowers the number of turns needed to unlock chests, which you can boost by opening Small Chests in Nefia, or, if you have a lot of lock picks, Gam...