“These facilities, like the one we have in New Jersey, will receive the garbage and burn it at high temps to generate steam or electricity,” says Doherty. “The waste energy generates electricity and you don’t have to landfill it, but some areas don’t want to accept these facilities....
With a simplified UI, iTunes was initially a fairly minor software addition to Mac computers, allowing users to listen to and organize music, as well as rip and burn CDs. Image Credit: Ars Technica The launch of the iTunes Store and iPod In 2003, long before music streaming, the ...
I know. I know. There are better choices but I love my pumpkin spice so much all frothed up. I also was able to find the brown butter chocolate chip again! Combating the early darkness with my lights… And burn your candles! Don’t ‘save’ them!
After acquiringSoundJam MP, Apple rebranded the music player and launched iTunes in 2001. With a simplified UI, iTunes was initially a fairly minor software addition to Mac computers, allowing users to listen to and organize music, as well as rip and burn CDs. Image Credit:Ars Technica The...