Il Boemo. (Petr Václav) Yǐn rù chényān. (Return to Dust) (Li Ruijun) No Bears. (Jafar Panahi) Augure (Omen) (Baloji Tshiani) Kuolleet lehdet. (Fallen leaves) (Aki Kaurismäki) No Hard Feelings. (Gene Stupnitsky) Vincent doit mourir. (Vincent Must Die) (Stéphan Castang) Per...
lol, and I will say I hugely enjoyed it, particularly as this is my first drawing in a while. I also look forward to creating more, as I have just recently got a new pencil and chalk pastel set that I would love to try out in the coming days; but in ...
Last night was the official Syfy network premiere of the new space opera tv series The Expanse, although some folks watched the show online when it went up a couple of weeks ago. Tonight will be episode two, setting the hook even deeper to get viewers sucked into this new series that pro...
A fire-and-brimstone preacher keeps the locals in line until a series of brutal murders leads some to believe that there's evil in the midst.Sadly, despite the difference of the setup, the execution of WHERE THE DEVIL HIDES turns out to be entirely humdrum. Everything that happens has ...
Post-It Note 6(Line 12): This line which ends the poem may be a reference to the medieval view of hell. It was not a place of fire and brimstone, but a cold, cold home for sinners. The thinking was that the further away from God a person was, the further he/she was from God...
sympathetic to any of our ideas or concerns in the meantime. Meanwhile, when the piano stopped and the big-ticket keynotes commenced, it was all Cruz-style fire and brimstone: war has come, the time for diplomacy is over, fair-weather allies must be purged from the ranks, No More Mr. ...
“At the apartment, she had some Mexican liqueur made up out of one part brimstone, eight parts of alcohol and two parts crankcase drippings from Monterrey taxi cabs.” A former lover shows up, as do Gail’s parents, and eventually she’s found, smoking gun in hand, over a man’s bod...
SPECIALREPORT Vol440|9 March2006 Churchjoinscrusade overclimatechange EvangelicalleadershavecalledontheUnitedStatestostepupits effortstocontrolgreenhouse-gasemissions.Butcantheyforce actionwhereothershavefailed,asksAmandaHaag. FireandbrimstonearecomingtotheaidofUS initiativewillhavethepoliticalclouttohelp science,as...
Where Tarantino’s cinematic vision is filled with urban tabloid violence, Harvey’s images are more classic--fire-and-brimstone images from the Bible fanned by the unchecked fury of nature. It’s music with the stamp of someone close to the land. ...
Revelation 21:8“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:” To be separated from God forever, simply do nothing.To ignore or...