I changedhttps://github.com/sentry-demos/android/blob/main/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml#L42 to I do not know where to get the AUTH Token i change auth.token in sentry.properties to auth.token=02b0064c531a04c6475279bc0038c2b5 error after make all ./gradlew build Starting...
I give permission for members of the FlutterFlow team to access and test my project for the sole purpose of investigating this issue. Current Behavior No matter where I set the Request Permissions for Notification, it shows up when the app starts. ...
I am looking for the PftW timephased data of tasks/ assignments in dataverse. So the exact work value for a resource on a particular day. You can access it via the new "Assignment View" in the usual interface: But the question is, where to find this data in dataverse to use it ...
Hello, in the view "Planned" I can see al my tasks by date. Good . But what If I missed to add a due date so some tasks? In the "web version"All - To Do (office.com)I can see due date in a columns, so easy to find.In the App, this column is mis...
$data = $model->find($id);if(empty($data)) {$this->error('链接不存在'); }if(IS_POST) { $name = I('name'); $link = I('link'); $status = I('status',1); $sort = I('sort',0);if(empty($name)) {$this->error('网站名称不能为空'); ...
Dictionary<int,string> scondSplit =newDictionary<int,string>();//CLEANING STRING FROM NON-COORDINATES CHARACTERSintpos = poly.LastIndexOf('(') +1;stringfirstHalf = poly.Substring(0, pos);stringsecondHalf = poly.Substring(pos);try{//ADD UNIQUE ITEMS TO THE DICTIONARYintj =0;inti, dPos;st...
This is the spotto show off what you’ve built with Glitch, and see what else the community is creating. Get feedback from creators, or find a new friend to collaborate with – sharing is the first step! Show off your projects!
I am looking to use the [AllowHtml] attribute and can't find out which package this lives in. Assuming this made it into a new package from breaking up system.web.mvc, does anyone know what new package this ended up in (if any)?
Ideally the network team would at least have read-only access to these environments, but that’s not always possible. Hopefully the teams responsible for these environments can check to see the MAC address of the host ended up in the appropriate forwarding tables. For example, the port group...
Site where I am working is kind of sensitive. So, If anyone has some idea or wanna help me directly, please contact me and I can provide more detailed data - what I cannot is access to the site - its just on the other database its working properly. So Its not in nginx proxy or ...