26 Virtual Volunteer Opportunities to Make a Real Impact (Without Leaving the Couch) wellness by Sydney Meister The “Bored Uncle Theory” Just Affirmed That My Guy Friends Were Right—My Situationship Wasn’t Sexy, It Was Just Boring
When Katharine breaks her leg on a business skiing trip and is trapped overseas while she recovers, Tess takes over in her absence and works her own damn way up the ladder. That the big shot Jack Trainer (Harrison Ford at peak hotness) just happens to be standing at the top of said la...
Unfortunately, the Autoplane failed to live up to such breathless hype. In flight tests the vehicle proved too heavy and underpowered and only managed to make a few short hops off the ground. While Curtiss was confident these issues could be resolved, America’s entry into the First World Wa...
Where exactly in California I am not sure yet. Maybe San Diego because I hate cities that are too big (L.A.). I’d have said Miami, Florida for the beaches but it’s really too humid there for my liking. I wouldn’t have to worry about healthcare because I could afford to pay ...
With the help of a personal trainer, nutritionist and, according to a source, an etiquette coach, the season 1 winner is laying low while readying a big reveal.
I get to OWN my movement, and to be proud of it, because I am working hard at letting my only benchmark be me. And Isowant you to feel the same. Wouldn’t you like to find a place inside that empowers you to move while holding yourself up with love? Love means you accept who...