It probably skews younger (and easier) than most of the other recent Zelda releases, but I liked the copy mechanic a lot, even though it made almost all of the “boss battles” kind of ridiculously easy. The story was nothing to write home about, and I probably won’t be re-playing ...
and then threatening to beat me more, then say ‘don’t worry, we’ll make this work’, and then beat me again, it would be a sane response to GTFO. It would also be a sane response for me to defend myself against future abuse and absolutely not trust the other person...
The Daddy had a flat tyre today. So happens Ethan is at home so he gets to experience how to change a flat tyre. While Ethan was helping the Daddy, a guy from the neighbourhood drove pass and asked if Ethan is a mechanic. Dengan rambut panjang dia tu, I think he looks like one ...
What I find interesting is that everyone wants to benefit from a basic underlying availability of connectivity, but few understand what it is or why it is so important. If you’re with me at a public event, I’ll eventually spout off something along the lines of, “you can’t have a ...
I spent the night at a cheap hotel room with a single bed and the next day took a train to visit my friend Klaus. I met Klaus 4 years ago after he fixed a flat tire in my dads rental car while driving around the Dolomites. He’s a few years older than me, also loves via ...
The third-person stealth game Shadwen employs a similar mechanic, and it never really resonates emotionally because managing the sometimes-unreliable AI is just too distracting—it's too mechanical to be meaningful. Undying is clearly aiming for a deeper emotional impact, and it will be ...
I think the two things I wanted more than anything were: separate volume control for music and VO and more places to cross the rivers. The whistling mini-game mechanic was cute, and did make travelling a bit faster when other transportation wasn't an *** I wish even that was just a ...
I think universally people want to be close to their kids when they are sweet and little but farther away when they are gross teenagers. This makes the new build process a bit more difficult as you have to predict the future, but I love what Annie came up with for them – same floor...
“The cars of Alfred Ellison” and “The Flying Ellisons” – articles for Motorsport magazine by Bill Boddy. Birmingham History Forum. Trusty “Find my Past” The will to find time to do this at all: Allan Tranter’s belief in me. ...
This year there has been several calls for a larger demonstration with Alex Jones from Texas calling for as many Europeans and USA and other people to go to Switzerland to protest this secret cabal who rob the world using their banking system. If I can get a c...