Fired Police Officer Files Complaint; BACK AND FORTH Debates Are in Progress about Who Is Truthful, Where Information Was FoundByline: GORDON JACKSON KINGSLAND - A former St. Marys police officer said he has filed an...By JacksonGordon
in partnership with a server, the map will now include an ‘E-Police Station,’ a virtual police station identical to its real-world counterpart, set up specifically to address crimes against women. When players are harassed or witness violen...
I’m going to check in with my reporting partner, Stephen Janis, who has been reaching out to San Bernardino Police for comment, and find out what he learned. Stephen, thank you for joining me.
against accusations of violating the civil rights of citizens. I recall a childhood friend, Roy Wade, one of the nicest and most giving men you could ever hope to meet, becoming a Long Beach police officer and being shot and seriously injured very early in his career during a routine ...
If you wonder why would a correct real estate be so important, please ask again when you want to get a line of credit, mortgage, sell or buy a house! WHAT do you think I should do? File a complaint with the PA Real Estate Board of appraisals or let this person continue to perform...
Response: I do not claim to possess sufficient evidence to file a criminal or civil complaint against any particular social network, but that is irrelevant to my greater argument. I am responding specifically to the notion that these companies have the right to discriminate. Given that they have...
If you wonder why would a correct real estate be so important, please ask again when you want to get a line of credit, mortgage, sell or buy a house! WHAT do you think I should do? File a complaint with the PA Real Estate Board of appraisals or let this person continue to perform...
There are two types ofFamily Court restraining orders, “Complaint Protection from Abuse” and a civil restraining order. In a Complaint Protection from Abuse, the Court has jurisdiction to issue a RO for up to 3 years. (If the parent seeks a restraining orderon behalf of a childagainst the...
I did consider the “Sky Warden” allegiance that is the military/police/tough guy branch of the Ascendants, as compared to the scientific/nerdy branch. Sky Wardens could even be robots or androids that were built before Eruption Day and have just been maintained since. I also somewhat wanna...
“By attempting to limit the right to birthright citizenship, the Order exceeds the President’s authority and runs afoul of the Constitution and federal statute.” The suit also says Trump’s order, if enforced, could render some children stateless. The compla...